Services of interest

Vivirla para conocerla, agenda del viajero

Not to get lost

In Vilagarcía, we want you to feel at home. The best guarantee of which will be the hospitality offered by the people of Vilagarcía, which has been forged by so many years with its relationship with the sea and as a tourist centre.  Also, Vilagarcía offers a multitude of services, appropriate for a city of importance. In this section, you can find the answer to whatever need you may have: hospital, health centre, pharmacies, national police, guardia civil, fire brigade, civil protection, taxis, tourist information, mass media …with an overview of the local networks, so you wil not get lost.

Emergency Services

  • Port Authority T 986 56 51 29
  • Guardia Civil986 56 52 62
  • Local Police 986 50 15 82
  • National Police 986 56 53 84
  • Fire Brigade 986 56 56 25
  • Civil Protection 986 51 20 20
  • Emergencies 112

Health Centres

Ambulatorio (Health Centre), of San Roque

  • Avda. Carolinas, s/n.
  • 986 50 74 48

Hospital Comarcal del Salnés

  • Ande, 14 (crta. Vilagarcía-Pontevedra)
  • T 986 56 80 00
  • UrgenciasT. 986 56 80 20

Centro Médico Galea

  • Calle Vistalegre, 22.
  • T 986 51 08 16

Centro Médico Jacinto López

  • Avda. Agustín Romero, 5.
  • T 986 51 01 97

Centro de diálisis Diaverum

  • Avda de Rosalia de Castro, 117-Bajo.
  • T 986 50 76 71


  • Ana Mª Rodríguez DomínguezVilar (Bamio). T 986 50 45 77.
  • BermejoC/ Castelao, 6. T 986 50 39 11.
  • BravoAvda. Das Carolinas, 22. T 986 50 11 88.
  • María Trinidad García Rodríguez (Carmela G. Gregorio)C/ Castelao, 5. T 986 50 00 09.
  • María Jesús RolánC/ Castelao, 5. C/ Doctor Tourón, 38. T 986 50 01 54.
  • Mª Mar Durán GarcíaAvda. de Vilanova, 2. Vilaxoán. T 986 50 76 31.
  • María Pilar Rodríguez MartínezAvda. de la Marina, 64. T 986 50 39 62.
  • Manuel ChavesAvda. Juan Carlos I, 4. T 986 50 13 52.
  • TeijeiroAvda. de Cambados, 74. Sobradelo. T 986 50 39 42.
  • María Gómez Nistal (Pomares)C/ Padre Feijóo, 4. T 986 50 18 70.
  • F. Martínez, M NartalloAvda. de Rubiáns, 5. T 986 51 24 35.
  • Raquel Arenaz PeñaAvda. Rosalía de Castro, 187. Carril. T 986 50 26 04.
  • Sofía Claro ReyC/ Daniel Espiño, 15-Bloque 4. Trabanca Badiña. T 986 18 80 04.

Public facilities

  • Town Hall 986 09 92 00
  • Council of Carril 986 56 52 28
  • Auditorium 986 50 27 09
  • Conservatory 986 50 09 16
  • Municipal Arts Centre/ Sala Rivas Briones 986 50 56 61
  • Community Kitchen 986 56 53 91
  • Day Nursery 986 50 80 68
  • Pubic swimming pool 986 51 27 16
  • Marketplace 986 51 11 45
  • Fontecarmoa Sports Centre 661 54 50 31
  • Drug Addition Attention Centre986 50 79 70

Administrative Services

  • Customs House986 50 03 03
  • Harbour Master’s Office 986 56 51 29
  • Inland Revenue 986 50 64 11
  • Fexdega986 099 200
  • Shipping Authority 986 56 53 14
  • Post Office 986 50 07 24
  • Bus Station 986 50 77 23
  • Agricultural Authority 886 159 500
  • Shipping Affairs Institute 986 56 83 00
  • Department of Employment 886 15 17 75
  • Court 886 206 228
  • Civil Registry 886 206 228
  • DNI Office 060
  • Land Registry 986 50 55 62

Mass Media

Radio Arosa - Cadena SER

  • Avda. da Mariña, 124 – 1º.
  • 986 18 51 85 / 986 18 51 86 - F 986 18 51 84

Diario de Arousa

  • Plaza de Galicia, 9.
  • 986 56 51 52 - F 986 50 50 98

Diario de Pontevedra

  • Avda da Mariña, 60, 2º.
  • 986 50 67 45 - F 986 50 67 45

Faro de Vigo

  • C/ Arcebispo Lago, 1 – 1ºB.
  • 986 51 19 75 / 986 51 22 65 - F 986 50 21 12

La Voz de Galicia

  • C/ Ramón y Cajal, 13 1º A-B.
  • 986 56 53 30 - F 986 56 57 15



  • Association of hotel and tourism Initiatives of Vilagarcía.986 17 20 37

Town Coucil Department of Tourism

Tourist Information Office

Railway Museum

  • Avda. de Rosalía de Castro, 104.
  • 986 566 176